
What’s New with Bells of the Lakes?

Upcoming Events

  • May 11, 2024: Concert at Delano United Methodist Church, 3300 County Line Road, Delano, Minn., 3:00 p.m.

Check out our Shops page for more information about our merchandise.

20th Anniversary CD

The 2015-2016 season was the 20th year Bells of the Lakes had been ringing together. In celebration, the bell choir performed a 20th Anniversary Concert and released a CD showcasing several outstanding pieces the choir has performed.

To purchase this CD, and more, visit our Shops page.

Bells of the Lakes is a community handbell ensemble representing the Twin Cities of Minnesota and is directed by William H. Mathis, a nationally known conductor and arranger of handbell and choral music. Bells of the Lakes maintains a membership in the Handbell Musicians of America and supports the work and activities of  Area VII.